Page name: Sexaholics Anonymous [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-06-08 14:15:58
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Finally A Wiki For Sexaholics


Any banner or image that moves (animated) CAN NOT be used in any of your user houses and are for the wiki page only!! Just don't wanna get you in trouble with the guards. Thnx.

<img:>If you have any ideas for a new banner put them here: Sexaholics Anonymous Banners

<img:>Place for all the kiddies to Cyber Sexaholics Anonymous Cybering

<img:>Submit all sexual stories, quotes, poems, ect. here sexual quotes for all to enjoy

<img:>Sexual tips and helpful hints can be found here if you need them. Sex tips and helpful hints

Other wiki's you may be interested in:
The Anal Sex Lovers
kinky people united

1.[This Profile No Longer Exists!]Hey we need a raincoat, cuz it's about to be a down pour hahaha one of my friends said that.
3.[+..Puppet Master..+]
5.[Dante the vampire]
11.[nikkig07] hell yea
12. [*Boo Boo*] everybody should have sex everyday. it's good for you
13. [That-Guy]
14. [big dickydick] I cyber, message me.
15.[+BoothY+] i think ov sex al da time
16.[pookiedoo1413] let's talk about sex!
17.[sgtsk8er] nagnagnag, sex rocks!
18.[fortheloveofgod]god made sex, it is good
19.[silverraven66699] I'm horny and need sex now please and thatnk you!
20.[Wallstring] "sqeeze my lemon...'til the juice runs down my leg"
21. [Alfirin Lindlea] I love sex... seriously... Yay sex! But I DON'T cyber so just don't (What's the point in cybering when I can get laid whenever I want lol)
23. [Sobre is the shit] Hi i'm deathchick and i have a sex addiction... wait this is like AA for sex right?? lol j/k
24.[californiagirl]come and talk to me...hmmmmmm
25. [Itachi 666] Love it so much i got caught doing it at school
26. [xXxHeavenly DemonicxXx] i so had to join this
27. {[Daddy_dano] THIS IS WELL WKD
28 [Nuit Darksin] sex is like math......and you know the rest
29. [Drowning In A Daydream]
30. [Robra626] woot! sex

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2005-08-17 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: I DONT HAVE A DICK!!! *looks in pants* I DON'T HAVE ONE!!

2005-08-17 [purplegirl1818]: SARAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!

2005-08-17 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: UGH! love for me!! *sits in a dark corner and cries*

2005-08-17 [purplegirl1818]: i guess i love you a little bit too alyssa

2005-08-18 [pookiedoo1413]: alyssa, u know i love you, no matter how much of an asshole my father is, i still love you. and i meant your b.f.'s dick, go ride that, and from the sounds of things, u prolly own a dildo or two, so your all set. bailey, i love you too. i'll not a dumbass, according to all my stuff you graffitied last time i saw you,. i'm a butthead

2005-08-18 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: lol.....shut up /:)

2005-08-18 [pookiedoo1413]: ha! i win! you say shut up b/c what i saay is true and you know it!!!o_O, see, i am right! again. not that that suprises anyone here, b/c i seem to know you all too you, your dark corner has a spider in it!

2005-08-19 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]:


2005-09-03 [pookiedoo1413]: i knew that'd get u, remember that crawl space in the house i used to live in when i went to riverside where we used to climb and sit up there and make fun of niahand alison?? those were the days!i may be moving...adn thnx 4 remembering my bday, half my friends at pennfield didn't even remember it...teartera. but i'm 16 now!!!!!

2005-09-03 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: w00t! I miss those days....especially when mom and Mike were still together lol. Allison is calling you right now to say happy birthday.

2005-09-04 [pookiedoo1413]: i'm in flint at my mom's......we're moving to georgia soon, keep that to yourself tho... mikes turned into an ass. bigtime...i miss having a life. i'm grounded again...i'll go look 4 your cell # now...then call...even tho it's 9:47 pm...who cares?? not me...

2005-09-04 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: lol Don't move away, then that'll be to far...I'll never see you again.

2005-09-09 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: We need new members so ask people if they wanna join. The same people are the only ones that talk theres no one really new that says a word. I can get a few people maybe. Oh. A new banner will be put on the front page every few weeks so you can see all of them n junk.

2005-09-10 [Alfirin Lindlea]: evening

2005-09-10 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: Hey, a new member. w00t!

2005-09-11 [purplegirl1818]: sarai gots her nose pirced

2005-09-11 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: omg, WHY?!?

2005-09-13 [Sobre is the shit]: hello everyone

2005-09-13 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: Hey...what's up?

2005-09-14 [mage of darkness]: Mind if I join?

2005-09-14 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: No, go ahead and put your name up there. Actually I will.

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